Linux meets Kubernetes

Vishnu Kannan


  • Master node and worker nodes
  • Containers enable you to focus more on your application and less on where it runs.
  • Kubernetes does not use Docker, but uses parts of the Moby project (e.g. runc).

The anatomy of a running Docker container

  • Overlay (type) filesystem (copy-on-write)
  • Control groups (cgroups): Restrict resources, track processes
  • Namespaces (virtual context, process trees, network interfaces, users and groups, mounted filesystems).
  • Security: Seccomp, Capabilities, AppArmor, SELinux, Filesystem permissions. Provide least privilege.
  • Volumes: Simply any data that is not within your overlay file system. Allows data used by your container to live beyond the life of the container.
  • Network: Bridge + Veth + Iptables, Overlay and Underlay, eth0 and loopback.


Now that we all have a common understanding of a container, what is a pod?

One or more tightly coupled containers and volumes.

Pods let you build microservices:

  • Shared Linux namespace.
  • Shared storage.
  • Shared network interface.
  • Shared control groups.


Code: Github (will update when I know the repo)

My side-notes

My opinionated and supposed insights, not what Vish said.

We need to get better at explaining what is:

  • Image
  • Container
  • Docker
  • Docker Inc.
  • Moby

For example, a Debian Docker container does not have a Debian built Linux kernel, it is utilising the kernel from the host. All a Debian image is, is a subset of the binaries and file system structure of Debian.

A Docker orchestration journey

We need to help the community understand:

  • The different orchestrators.
  • Which ones fit which purpose.
  • How to move from simpler (Docker Swarm, ECS) to more powerful (Kubernetes) and how to translate the learnings so it doesn't feel like they've learnt two different orchestrators.